Without A Doubt

I love having an event to look forward to. There’s nothing like the week being broken up by an impromptu get together with friends. Readers, an unplanned link up with good friends is the perfect way to prepare for the weekend.

As an adult with a young child, I find myself bustling with activities with my young son. There’s also a strict schedule we stick to during the week. Random and unplanned social events in the middle of a work week shines a light on the importance of friendship and the undeniable benefits of being social with one’s peers. I have found that breaking up the weeks with planned and unplanned social events brings a level of depth and connectedness needed in order to have a more fulfilled life.

I also love having an event to look forward to. I have found that getting together with friends and family takes planning. Everyone is working, raising children, squeezing in exercise and finding ways to pay bills and maintain a healthy mind and body. We often laugh at how we often find ourselves scheduling dinners and social gatherings weeks and months in advanced because of everyone’s schedules. Although it can be frustrating to wait, there is also pleasure in having an event to look forward to. If I am hosting, I find joy in picking the décor, menu and appropriate playlists. If the event is outside the home, I find pleasure in organizing my outfit, makeup and hair. These preparations are apart of the entire experience.

Without a doubt, my family and friends have a huge impact on my life, I am still here because at my lowest, they were always there. That is when you know you are loved, when those around you accept you for all your quirks but also stick around and hold you up when you’re not able to do it for yourself. What about you dear reader, are there events you have to be intentional for them to happen? Have you found yourself more isolated or inundated with activities and events that feed your soul? I am looking forward to your responses. Blessings.

2 thoughts on “Without A Doubt

  1. I try to maintain a constant work and social life balance. It’s so important to my mental health, especially since my line of work isn’t my passion (which is the case for a lot of working adults).The idea of committing to an insane workout, hanging with either of my sons, taking myself to a nice movie, etc.; fills me with a tremendous amount of joy, as well as something to look forward to. Without this I really would not be such a happy, and unbothered person.

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