Blood Doesn’t Always Make You Family

I remember a former co worker from my retail days shared with us how many people in her church did not receive her dramatic weight loss well.

They gave her dirty looks, questioned her intentions around their husbands and gave her backhanded compliments.

She soon realized in that moment that some people can only take her one way. They loved overweight and jolly ___________. But the new ________. Size 6 _____________. Oh no-she’s not to be trusted.

Never-mind the fact that she was the same jolly church goer she always was-helping with church functions and teaching their children all about the Lord.

Thin __________was a threat to their own issues they happily projected onto her.

They loved and trusted her when she was overweight-but for some odd reason her weight loss didn’t sit well with them.

Today, I think of the story she shared all those nights ago. I’ve come to the conclusion that there are some in my own family that are happy with the laughing, cooking and dancing Anika. I’ll go as far as to say they were okay with depressed and overweight Anika too. That was comfortable for them.

But-aggressive, blunt, tell you what’s on my mind Anika? That’s too much for them. For some: my personality is over the top and many may only be able to take me in small doses. I’m an acquired taste-like wasabi or cerasee tea. I’m ok with that.

If you can’t take me at all -like your choice in consuming wasabi or cerasee -then leave me right here.

2 thoughts on “Blood Doesn’t Always Make You Family

  1. I am moved by what you write!! You say what you feel so fluid and true no one can deny that!! I’ll be here every step of the way…..

    Sent from my iPhone



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