
I recently had a very authentic human experience. I won’t divulge the context, however, I found myself asking this person: Do you know who you are? Their response: Sometimes. As a rather talkative person I was stunned into silence. That one word answer stopped me in my tracks. I wasn’t expecting this response. As a […]

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20 of My Favorite Pods!

I love to talk. I started talking at a relatively young age and I haven’t stopped yet. Therefore, it is no surprise that I am an avid listener of podcasts. The peak started when I was on maternity leave in the midst of the pandemic. Harper was born right before the world shut down. We […]

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Grace and the Golden Hour

During this unprecedented time in our lives the one word that continues to swirl around and around in my mind is grace. For those of us whom have not lost our jobs during this pandemic we are finding our way back to work-many of us are loosening the way in which we may move throughout […]

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Our Story To Tell…

Yesterday was one of those days. You know what I’m talking about, the kind of day where all normal routines seems to go haywire. My thirty minute commute with Harper turned into a three hour journey through the congested roadways of Fairfield County. The rain as well as the reckless driving of frustrated truckers weaving […]

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“…then you ain’t black!”

This has been a monumental weekend and it’s not over yet! I don’t even know where to start! The most hype I’ve seen from Joe Biden’s camp since quarantine has been their damage control after Biden’s controversial comments on The Breakfast Club with Charlemagne Da God. There’s always been this assumption that the Democratic Party […]

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