
Photo by Benjamin Suter on

There are so many differences among us. However, there are a lot of universal truths; the basic human traits that connect us all. These connections can be biological, and in modern times also technological. Earlier this week I was listening to a news report of a man as he recounted the early events of the recent conflicts in the Middle East. Without hesitation, he quickly sent a message in the family group text to check in on his family. Unfortunately, the news was not good and many of his family members were kidnapped.

His actions mirror those I (and I’m sure many of you ) would make when hearing unsavory news. We’ve all experienced jumping on the family or friend group text to check in. As the war rages on, with both sides losing life I pray for all those involved. At the end of the day one universal truth we all hold is wanting a life that’s not filled with violence, political upheaval, food insecurity or even housing scarcity.

The reality is; no matter one’s socioeconomic status, race, gender identity, sexuality or religious belief; we ALL need community. There’s a basic human need to feel a sense of belonging. I know I need a space to be my authentic self. A space where I am not judged for my quirks and my beliefs. As a parent, I have found a new found appreciation for my community. A safe place where I know my child will be loved and protected. It’s important to note that before becoming a parent, community was also very important to me as I made my way throughout this world.

As I listen to news reports of violence around the world (some getting more press coverage than others) I will continue to lean into my community. What about you dear reader, have you found yourself in need of community or do you have your safe space? I’m looking forward to reading your responses. Blessings.

2 thoughts on “Community

  1. Thank you for sharing these thoughts. I appreciate my community as well. I am grateful to have a place where I can completely be myself and feel so loved at the same time. Peace and blessings

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